Finding An Excellent VeterinarianFinding An Excellent Veterinarian

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Finding An Excellent Veterinarian

After my sweet little dog became ill, I knew that I needed a really wonderful veterinarian to make things right. I started looking around for a doctor who really understood what we were up against, and I was pleased to find a provider who accepted my insurance and actively worked hard to improve her patients care. It was really incredible to feel the difference that her efforts made, and I wanted to write a blog all about the benefits of working with a great veterinarian. Check out this blog for great information that could help you to protect your pets.



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Need To Board Your Dog? What You Should Know

Whether it's a vacation or some other event that is taking you out of town for a few days, boarding your dog is something you may find yourself doing. Dog boarding is a great way to ensure that your beloved family pet is well taken care of whenever you have to leave town. However, it can be a little nerve wracking to leave them at a boarding facility. Here is what you need to consider when it comes to dog boarding.

How The Facility Works

When it comes to boarding facilities and kennels, it's important to do your research. You need to know how they operate before you determine whether or not they are a good option for your dog. If possible, an in-person visit can answer many of your questions. A few things that you should look into include where your dog will be staying, how often they will be walked, whether or not they will be interacting with other dogs, and what type of food they will be eating. Some facilities walk the dogs twice a day while others prioritize exercise and interaction with other dogs.

It's Important to Be Upfront About Your Dog's Needs

Does your dog require a special diet? Do they often get into fights with other dogs? Do they have any special medical requirements? These are the things that you need to discuss with the boarding facility before you make a reservation. You need to make sure that they are able to meet your dog's needs before leaving them there while you are out of town. Before boarding your dog you will also want to make sure that you know where they will be taken in case they become ill during their stay.


Cost is another important factor when boarding your dog. Prices can vary depending on the facility and their services. A basic boarding facility will cost between $12 and $26 per day on average. Mid range facilities typically charge between $22 and $55 a day while a high end boarding facility will typically cost between $40 and $110. Some facilities will charge more if your dog weighs more than 80 pounds since they will likely need a larger space. Many facilities also offer additional services, such as dog grooming, for an additional fee.

If you need to board your dog, there are a few things you should know. It's important to tour the facility and ensure that they are able to meet your dog's needs before you make a reservation for your dog. You should also be upfront about your dog's needs. Cost is another factor that you should consider. The more interaction and services offered, the more expensive it will be to board your dog.